The Valley Weavers & Spinners meetings are on the first Tuesday of the month. Social Hour starts at 6:00 pm and the meetings start at 7:00 pm. We meet at the Denkmann-Hauberg house at 1300 24th Street, Rock Island, IL 61201.
If you are a gps funster here are the coordinates: 41.4993, -90.567195 41.4993-90.567195
Valley Weavers & Spinners Meeting Tuesday, November 6 - Hauberg Center, Rock Is. Gathering 6 - Meeting 7 Program - Weaving on a Mirrix loom - from beads to tapestry
Program: Gail will provide a short combing demonstration and bring a hackle for blending yarns. If you have some fiber that you would like to try blending on a hackle, bring it. Gail will bring some fiber for combing and blending.